Sunday, November 20, 2011

Mixed Feelings About Leaving Tomorrow

Well the time has come for me to leave my world of distorted reality and return to the United States. Its a perfect time to be going back home, right before Thanksgiving. After being on a pretty strict budget and not having the pleasure of eating too many quality meals for the past 7 weeks, I'm really looking forward to feasting on some great food.

I've also missed not being able to watch football. Fortunately, my friend Ram has satellite with ESPN so I got to see a few of the games this weekend. It was a crazy day in college football, I'm sorry to all of my followers that are Sooners fans. It will also be nice to not live out of a suitcase anymore.

However, leaving is very bittersweet. I am, of course, very excited to see my family and friends, but this trip has been so much fun and I'm going to miss it. I was nervous about traveling alone before I came on this trip, but I absolutely loved it. It really forced me to break out of my shell and meet lots of different types of people. If I was with a friend I probably would've been hanging out with them the whole time and not really socializing with others. Being alone and on your own agenda is such a pure feeling. The only down side is that you have no one to share the memories with but yourself. I'm fine with that though, I'll always have the memories and it will be great to look back on this trip when I'm older.

I'm excited to see everyone when I get back. It will be interesting to assimilate back into US society and not hang out with foreigners all the time. I plan on being home for a few days and then going to Kansas City for the Mizzou/KU football game. I haven't seen a lot of my college friends since graduation so I'm looking forward to it.

I get into OKC at 2 p.m. on Monday.

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