Sunday, November 20, 2011

Thanks for Reading!

I want to thank all of my friends and family members for reading my blog. I never thought I'd get 600+ views and I really appreciate everyone's interest in my travels. Its been a lot of fun keeping this blog and having people actually read it. I hope you all enjoyed it and that it gave you more insight into Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of the world.

This blog will stay on the internet forever, so it will serve as sort of a virtual diary of my trip that I can look back on in the future. If you ever go to Australia or NZ in the future and want to look at what I did feel free to come back to this blog.

Unfortunately, my real life isn't near as interesting as this trip has been, so this will be my last blog post.

Thanks again for reading and I'm excited to see everyone when I get back home!


Alex Robertson

1 comment:

  1. Do not make that your last post. You must do an epilogue on your flight home and return to the heartland of America. A reflective piece in a stinky house with three dogs and two cats and two senior citizens.
